OK, so after waiting 3 days for a response to my email sent to Mr Y requesting an update on the progress of our build, I received an email saying that after speaking to John King snr directly, Mr Y was told that our plans and contract will be good to go by today. Well, it is now Monday evening and we have heard nothing about the plans. Fingers crossed we will hear something by mid week.
On another note, we had 80 cubic metres of mulch delivered to our block a few weeks back as we will put it around the boarder for planting our native trees later in Autumn. I'm not sure if you have seen what 80 cubic metres of mulch looks like, but we now have 6 huge mounds on our block about 4 foot high and 8 to 10 feet wide. We then thought that we could easily distribute the mulch to the boarder ourselves, which consisted on me, my husband, 2 wheel barrows, 2 kids and a dog. It probably didn't help that the day we decided to tackle the mountains it was already 30 degrees by early morning and we had a rotten northerly wind blowing. So after 2 hours of back breaking work where for every shovel we put in to the barrow, the wind blew about half of it off. We were tired, hot and bothered (well me and the kids anyway, Hubby and the dog were in their zone) I eventually convinced hubby that maybe we should hire a bobcat which could probably do what would take us many, many weeks to do in a few hours. Thankfully the heat, wind and dirt in our eyes, convinced him that it was the way to go. We have found someone who will hopefully spread the mulch this week so all we need to do is rake it evenly around the boarder. Fingers crossed we have nicer weather to work in this weekend.
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