Friday, 2 March 2012

Highs and Lows

Well the biggest high would be the design as it is just what we were looking for.  We did look at the Dennis Family Homes and although the sales team were by far better than JG King, the floor plans were just not quite right for us.  The other high was that we got and extra $7,000 to spend on upgrades as a bonus for signing with the relocated sales man.  Also it was great to be able to see a display home so we could get a feel of the space and flow of the house.

Now for the lows, the agonisingly long time to get the paperwork through.  All the extra hidden costs they don't tell you until months in.  As far as I am concerned, if it is mandatory to have safety rails for the house build, why are these not already included in the house cost?  They will do anything to make the base price look good but they have just added $12,000 to it for costs.  Mr Y talks the talk but doesn't walk the walk.  Even after supplying detailed photo's (we took these of the display home) and changes (mind you very slight) to the plan, it still came back wrong.  Maybe if Mr Y, actually listened to us rather than just nod his head and say yes, it would be correct from the beginning.  Thankfully I got to speak to the drafts person and explained what I wanted and it was done.  I think they should just get rid of the sales men and women and just let us deal directly with the finance, drafting and colour people directly as it would save allot of time.

We are just hoping that if it takes over 4 months to get the paperwork through, how long will it take to build.  Mr Y said 20 weeks, well I would like to see that happen.  I was hoping that when we signed last year, that our home would be finished by September this year as I am hoping to celebrate my 40th in the new place.  Only time will tell.  Hopefully I will have more news next week.

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