Thursday, 1 March 2012

The First Part

Hi All, I thought I would just write a blog on the progress of our house build for anyone who may be interested in building a new home.

I guess I will start back to October last year where I found our dream home design through JG King homes.  The salesman had just been posted to Geelong and was giving a great promo which also made the house look that bit better.  We had a look at the display home in Bendigo and just fell in love with it.  By the end of October we had signed the initial contract and paid our $1,000 deposit.  As our own home was up for sale and we had just received an offer with a settlement for mid Feb we said that we would like to get the ball rolling as we had just over 3 months before we needed to be out of our home.  The salesman, who I will call Mr Y, said that he would fast track it and get things moving.  Now I know they are not going to build the home in that short time but we made it clear that we at least needed the building plan to be in council so we could then erect our shed wher we would live temorarily while the house is being built.  All seemed good and Mr Y said it should be fine.

Well, it is now the start of March, our house has sold and we are renting as we have not even had the final plans come through.  I can't believe that after 4 months and Mr Y saying he would fast track it we are still not close to putting the permit through.  I know, I know, salesmen will say anything to get the sale but that just makes me not trust him.  Plus there are a multitude of things that have just driven me mad but more on that later.  Lets just hope the email I sent him on Moday to give me an update will be answered soon.

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